Saturday, January 12, 2008

Patent Leather Pumps

7 x 9
Oil on masonite

This is a study to see how far I can push the color when the subject matter consists of two elements, one black and the other white. The large shape is of course, the black shoes. The shadow, although on a white cloth, is really part of the large shape. So I tried to tie them together. Patent leather has wonderful reflective qualities, so it allowed me to use more color.

I'd appreciate feedback on this piece, as well as the other paintings.

I'm off to the mountains, where the snow is falling like crazy this winter. Hopefully I can get outside to do some white on white plein air pieces.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Future Salad

5 x 7
Oil on gatorboard

Purple onions are so pretty on their own, it's kind of a shame to cut it up. But then again, oh so good to eat.